Feeling better possibly.

A couple of days ago, I had an extreme breakdown. Typically, when I have these types of breakdown, I feel it comes and so I would stay away from people because it's whats best. However, this recent one was triggered.
I got a message from my ex and one of the lines from the text was "things are over between us". Everything else was him tell me that I'm good enough and that I was doing well for myself, positive things. But reading "things are over between us" is what got me. I know from my previous post I would say that I didn't want him in my life and that It was best for him and I go our separate ways, but I'm not sure. I know a piece of me wants us to be together. I still catch myself daydreaming about my future and every time, he's in it. 
I guess before, I wasn't so devastated over the breakup at first, because a part of me believed that when I got back to Virginia, that he and I would give it another try. I'm not so sure about that anymore. It's really over. 

I'm constantly thinking about him. I miss him so much. 

I was never the type to let a guy into my head. I was always so quick to move on with my life because I had already gotten too used to the idea that I was going to be alone, but he changed that. He really did and I I don't know if I hate it or if I'm glad about it.  

I want to stop thinking about. I want to get over it, but I just can't. 

I feel more content now. At least I like to think I am. One thing I know that I'm sure of is that I really do not like working at Tacobell. I've only been working there for about three weeks now and I still have to work there for another two months. I honestly can't wait to go back to school. It is pretty lonely being here. 


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